Creating More Living Space Outdoors

  • Install A Birdbath On Your Property That Is Surrounded By A Decorative Border

    19 September 2016

    Install a birdbath that is surrounded by a decorative border by completing the steps below. Afterwards, set up some bench seats around the border so that you can enjoy watching birds as they cool off in the water. Materials measuring tape spray paint (designed for marking the ground) rake garden gloves electric ground tiller garden shovel topsoil birdbath garden hose decorative stones small shovel flowering plants small shrubs bench seats Mark And Clear The Property

  • Three Things You Should Be Using Sand For In Your Yard

    23 August 2016

    If you're trying to map out your landscaping plans for next spring before the fall weather comes in, you should talk with your landscaper about the benefits of building next year's garden with sand. If you're not familiar with the roles that sand can play, there are a few things that you should know. Filler Material Sand makes a great additive to help balance out soil. If you opt for coarse sand, the granules are larger and can settle in between soil components.

  • Easy Ideas For Your Cottage Style Garden

    26 July 2016

    English cottage is one of the most popular styles for landscaping design. Imagine wild profusions of flowers, hidden benches and a romantic getaway in your own yard. That's the appeal of the cottage garden. While such a garden may appear wildly free, in fact it requires a little planning. That said, you can easily implement cottage design ideals to create the lush beauty of such a garden in your backyard.

  • 4 Benefits That Come From Waterproofing Your Basement

    1 July 2016

    Take a moment to check out some of the benefits that come from waterproofing your basement. This way, you will be able to decide if you are ready to have this done to your basement. Makes Your Home More Energy Efficient  This might not be your main reason to waterproof your basement, but it is a benefit that you do not want to ignore. When the basement walls go through the waterproofing process, all of the holes and cracks are going to be sealed.

  • Attractive Alternatives To Four Common And Invasive Landscaping Plants

    7 June 2016

    As you plan out a landscaping project for your yard or garden, you will need to carefully consider which plants to place where. Unfortunately, some of the most popular landscaping plants in use today are also aggressively invasive, spreading to native ecosystems and choking out their competition due to a lack of natural pressures. Rather than give these invasive species a chance to gain a foothold in your area, consider these more containable alternatives.

  • Understanding Double-Pane Window Seal Repair

    13 May 2016

    When it comes to choosing windows that offer insulating benefits and a long lifespan, double-pane windows are a common choice. These windows feature two separate glass panes separated by a sealed layer of gas or air for insulation. Unfortunately, the seal that retains that air or gas may fail over time. If you don't know what to look for, you may miss it and find yourself with higher climate control costs due to the lost insulation.

  • 3 Tips For Protecting Your Self Storage Unit From Pests

    19 April 2016

    Self storage units can help you store all of those items that you just don't have the room to store in your home anymore but just can't bring yourself to part with. Unfortunately, one of the problems that you will have to contend with while storing these items is keeping pests out of your storage unit. Throughout the course of this brief guide, you will learn of some preventative measures you can take to ensure that pests don't make their way into your storage unit.